Digital Artworks : Quirky Tales Series
'Quirky tales' which explores surreal & emotive scenarios between animals and other creatures that inhabit the earth. Sometimes it's flora, sometimes bugs, sometimes feathered or fury creatures or the mysterious beings that live under the sea or viruses which are invisible to the human eye.
Each artwork starts up as an idea in my brain, inspired by a wide variety of stimuli. I'm often triggered by words and sentences from poems, books or everyday conversations. Sometimes the ideas come to me in my sleep or visions when I meditate. And many ideas evolve from visual material that I collect. The ideas begin as sketches which are then refined into drawings and paintings. Some I take to the next level and they become animated with subtle movements. Some also become paintings and prints.
A set of 9 selected Quirky Tales are available to purchase as a NFT on OpenSea.
Quirky Tales artworks are the intellectual property of Sol. You cannot sell or distribute Quirky Tales artworks or designs in any way.
They Danced Entangled In The Rhythms Of The Sea
This artwork is part of a series called’Quirky Tales’.
"They Danced Entangled In The Rhythms Of The Sea" was initially inspired by an image of a jelly fish which I stumbled across unintentionally. My favourite creatures to watch when I visit aquariums are jellyfish. I could watch them for hours. As they dance in their beautiful translucency.
This artwork captures what I would imagine it would be like to dance with a jellyfish if we occupied a surreal existence in which humans and all earths creatures are equals and able to communicate with each other.
Occasionally She Liked To Ponder Whilst Sitting On A Chrysanthemum Morifolium
"Occasionally She Liked To Ponder Whilst Sitting On A Chrysanthemum Morifolium" is a quiet and reflective portrait of pensiveness. There's a tinge of sadness, which is lightened by the fact that she is sitting on a cushiony Chrysanthemum Morifolium. I fell in love with these flowers during my first trip to Japan. I love the way each petal is arranged in a sphere like shape, every time I receive a bunch, I take way too many photos from all angles and store them away, so that I can draw them in the future. The one featured in this drawing is one such flower, that has been immortalised and which brought me joy for several weeks in a vase in my kitchen. The illustration reminds me that even when sadness overtakes me, the thought of sitting on a gigantic Chrysanthemum does away with some of that darkness.
They Spent Hours Perched On The White Gums Discussing The Underlying Meaning Of Everyday Life
"They Spent Hours Perched On The White Gums Discussing The Underlying Meaning Of Everyday Life" was initially inspired by the Galah; A super chatty Australian cockatoo, who I often hear whilst I'm working in my Sydney studio. I often wonder what birds and animals say to each other, or what goes on in their heads. This artwork aims to capture 'my' wishful moment, in which a human and feathered creature, sit side by side, in deep conversation, as equals.
On The First Tuesday Of Every Month They Danced The Bossa Nova
"On The First Tuesday Of Every Month They Danced The Bossa Nova" is a snap shot moment of a crane and woman absorbed in a dance that is uninhibited and unconcerned with what others might think.
Inspired by Mark Twains quote: "Sing like no one is listening, love like you never been hurt, dance like no one is watching and live like it is heaven on earth". I wanted to capture that rare feeling that you get when you dance in your own world, were you can be truly free and absorbed in a bubble of joy and contentment. The once a month ritual that these two earth inhabitants experience, reminds us that it doesn't have to be a one- off occurrence. If we make time to do the things that bring us happiness, we can experience it recurrently, but that is up to you. Why the Bossa Nova you ask? Because it's a dance that celebrates sensual pleasure & takes control over your body.
"Solace" captures the tender relationship between an echidna and a human. And what it's like to console and alleviate the pain that we often feel in times of metal grief and anxiety. Humanity is experiencing a global pandemic, which has heightened feelings of loneliness and isolation for many who live alone. The fact that she is being consoled by a creature who is covered in sharp spikes, provides a certain absurdity and impossibility. This layer of meaning draws inspiration from the fact that, sometimes solace cannot be given to those who will not accept it. When we have, dived deep into the pain that is created within our minds, no amount of solace can penetrate the layers of depression which have harden into layers of impenetrability.
This artwork is available for purchase as a limited edition animated NFT from Rarible.
And the Waratah listened to his sorrows
"And He Told His Sorrows To The Waratah" is another reflective portrait of pensiveness. My inspiration for this artwork came from the incredible things that I've recently learnt about how plants, trees and fungi communicate and aid each other. As well as the black lives movements, that have been ignited throughout the world, but in particular relating to Australia.
Many Australians continue to oppress the atrocities that have been experienced and are still being experienced by Indigenous people in Australia. The Waratah is a beautiful, Australian native plant. In this artwork the Waratah becomes a sentient being who listens and bears the heavy weight of sorrows that the slumped man carries with him.
She Became Part of the Menagerie
"She Became Part of the Menagerie" explores the notions of being female in a world that drives many women to treat themselves as exhibits. Many females at a very young age, begin to pursue the concept of ideal physical beauty, which comes with self imposed constrains of what they eat, what they wear, how much hair should not appear on their bodies, as well as self mutilation methods to hide the natural ageing process.
As social norms and media in all its permutations infect female minds, they become yet another animal in a menagerie; kept, trained and exhibited.
He Clung To Her, Even In Her Despondency
This artwork that aims to capture the conundrum of helping those who are experiencing depression. The Chameleon clings to her, in an effort to console her from the darkness that fills her mind, yet she is numb to the Chameleons touch. The blank expression on her face is impervious to the kindness that he tries to provide. As she blends into the background, he is unable to absorb her colour and demonstrate that he feels her pain and is there to console her.
She floated unconscious, drowning in her sea of emptiness
Feeling small amongst the Betta fish.
Earth Mother watched over him, overwhelmed with helplessness
She watches, but does nothing. And humans continue to empower all other creatures who inhabit the earth, even if it means their extinction.
The absurdity of their relationship was bound together by their analogous sense of humour
I love exploring surreal scenarios between animals and humans. A world in which we can communicate and understand each other. A world in which you can spend an afternoon sitting on giant lily pads catching up with a friend. This is what I've tried to capture in this artwork, a beautiful, imagined moment between two animals that inhabit this earth.