Designing for Emergent Technologies
The samples of work showcased on this page demonstrate how Emergent and immersive technologies can be utilised to entertain, educate, enrich product experiences, solve user problems, alleviate mental health issues and save lives.
biota XR Exhibition Proposal
Biota is an immersive art exhibition that uses a variety of Extended Reality (XR) technologies, including projected interactive video on walls and floors, virtual reality experiences, holograms as well as a maker space that invites the audience to take part in the creation of collaborative animalia sculpture.

Learner Driver Accident Prevention Training Simulator Concept
Learning how to drive a vehicle is a challenging and complex task. Research shows that younger drivers have a higher rate of motor vehicle accidents. (Bitre, 2021) One of the key reasons is their lack of driving experience and reduced ‘ability to anticipate, perceive, identify and react to hazards’. One of the most important skills to have when driving is good hazard perception. (Team LDS, 2019)
The ‘Learner Driver Accident Prevention Training Simulator’ aims to provide an additional level of training that is focused on hazard prevention. It aims to reduce motor vehicle accidents and road fatalities for people aged between 16 and 24 years. The mixed reality training program, which combines physical components with simulated scenarios that can be seen through a virtual car windshield, will enable the learner driver to navigate through common hazards and dangerous situations which will train them to become aware of potentially harmful and life-threatening situations.
By experiencing high-risk scenarios within the safety of a simulated environment, drivers are exposed to situations that will provide them with a certain level of preparedness. So that if similar situations should ever arise, they will have had prior experience in reacting to and identifying risky situations, in order to mitigate them.
At Home Barista Augmented & Virtual Reality Guide
For centuries, coffee consumption has enriched human society socially and as a sensory delight. The rich and diverse flavours that the little brown coffee beans can conjure pleases our gustatory cells and stimulates and energises our minds with alertness and energy.
Many of us aspire to make barista-quality coffee at home, leading to a variety of devices on the market. Complex appliances like the Breville Barista coffee machine offer features such as a precise Thermocoil heating system for temperature control, optimal water pressure, an auto grinder with 16 settings, and a milk frother for fast and silky microfoam. However, having this advanced gadget doesn't guarantee a seamless, barista-quality coffee experience.
The Virtual Reality "At Home Barista" is an immersive experience that guides coffee enthusiasts through the Breville Barista Coffee machine's features and trains them to perfect a barista-quality cup of coffee. It also includes fun activities like making various coffee types and creating latte art.
"At Home Barista" provides an experience across both AR and VR modalities. The AR experience is designed for potential customers, allowing them to visualize the coffee machine in their kitchen, similar to Ikea's AR furniture tool. The VR experience, enhanced with scent triggers, helps new owners understand the machine's features and use their newfound knowledge to make perfect barista-quality coffee at home.
PharmAssist AR
PharmAssist AR is an engaging Augmented Reality solution that enables people to scan the barcode or QR code on prescribed or over-the-counter medicines with their mobile phone. Enabling them to see and listen to a virtual Pharmacist who will provide them with guidance and information about the medicine's dosage recommendations and potential side effects.
The simulated experience mimics the interaction users typically have with a Pharmacist in a chemist who can now repeat the information as many times as the user would like, all from the comfort of their own home. The AR experience can provide more detailed information than what is usually printed on the packaging, and speaks using ‘humanised’ language which removes medical jargon which is often confusing and difficult to understand by many.
PharmaAssist AR aims to reduce the number of hospitalisations and emergency cases caused by medication errors or misuse.
Visual Concept of PharmAssist Augmented Reality Application
Muuguzi AR
For every 100,000 women in Africa, 390 die in childbirth, (WHO, 2022) compared to 5.5 Australian women. (AIHW, 2022) This staggering number is attributed to many factors, which are primarily a result of inadequate health care and an enormous scarcity of skilled health workers especially in rural areas.
Muuguzi AR is a mobile app that uses Augmented Reality (AR) to help Community Health Workers (CHWs) to provide better healthcare in African countries. It aims to train, support, and guide CHWs in obstetric and pediatric situations, to reduce maternal deaths and improve neonatal survival. The app provides accredited health information and realistic scenarios to prepare CHWs for better patient care. It also offers real-time guidance during complex childbirth-related health situations for mothers and infants, which combines Augmented reality, ultrasound technology and AI to respond to queries with text or audio.
Muuguzi AR does not require expensive hardware, it can be accessed via a smartphone. This is a huge benefit that will make access to training and life-saving information more accessible to CHWs. The app provides ahighly visual user experience which facilitates a more effective means of communication compared to traditional text-based training methods. This is especially beneficial for CHWs who may have limited literacy skills and face language barriers due to the diverse languages spoken across African countries.
Yarn. A Virtual Reality Adventure
Yarn is an immersive virtual reality adventure that delves deep into the powerful themes of homelessness, bullying, and domestic violence. As you navigate through the city, you uncover each character's story, all while staying vigilant to evade the bullies who prey on the vulnerable homeless who live in the cold desolate city. Among these characters is Granny, a resilient survivor of domestic violence, who dedicates her life to knitting magical items for the homeless. These magical creations serve as protective charms, which along with her enchanted cat protect the homeless from the relentless bullies that roam the streets.
Tools: Unity, Illustrator, Photoshop.

Simulation Modelling to solve complex & wicked problems
Using Agent based modelling to explore and analyse the food waste generated in households, by using systems thinking and Insight Maker.

Concept Visualisations
Being able to visualise ideas is key to being able to communicate with clients, technologists, content designers and 3D artists. Below are some visualisations that I created in a team project ‘Oscars Odyssey’. My main roles was to be concept artist.

3D Modelling Diatoms
Research, process and 3D modelling using Maya.